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Companies & schools

Whether you are a company committed to social responsibility or a school seeking hands-on experience for students, we have the opportunities to work together to create a better future. Discover how your involvement can contribute to both your goals and your community. Together, we empower talent


For schools, we are a source of support that goes beyond the classroom. We bring inspiring speakers and educational workshops into the school environment, providing students with valuable insights and practical tools to overcome challenges. Whether it’s preventing bullying, managing stress, finding housing, or developing social skills, our programs help students focus on their schoolwork and develop personally. In addition, we strive to prepare students for the future by providing them with access to internships and jobs. By partnering with companies, we arrange internships and employment opportunities that match the students’ interests and skills. This hands-on experience allows them to gain relevant work experience and expand their professional network, which is essential for their future success.

For companies

For companies, we are a valuable partner, helping them find talent and make a social impact at the same time. We seek partnerships with companies that are interested in supporting our foundation, for example by sponsoring our programs or by making business premises available for our activities. As a token of appreciation, we like to display the logos of our sponsors on our website and promotional materials, allowing companies to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility. Finally, we offer companies access to our network of talented professionals looking for work and internship opportunities. With our expertise and experience, we help companies find qualified candidates that fit their needs and goals. By partnering with our foundation, companies can not only strengthen their workforce, but also contribute to a positive change in society.

Educational support

Enrich the learning process with engaging workshops and inspiring speakers who inspire students and help them in their personal and educational development.

Networking opportunities

Discover new opportunities and connections.

Social involvement

Strengthen the sense of community and demonstrate that your company cares about social impact and the well-being of others.
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